My mom always told me when I was younger that I was creative. Ok, maybe more artistic than creative. Just because I can stay in the lines when I color doesn’t mean I’m artistic.
So, back to me being not creative. I’d love to be able to come up with a fantastic post about having people come over and hang out around my dining room table sitting on my beautiful dining room chairs like That One Mom did at her site Only Parent Chronicles about coffee tables. Sigh…
Dining room chairs. How do I creatively slide that phrase into a post? I’m not That One Mom sadly.
Imagine furrowed brow, scrunched sideways mouth, and smoke pouring out of my ears. I’m thinking people.
Do you hear Jeopardy music?
I got nothing for you.
Ok, that’s not exactly true. *GRIN*

December 1-5th I’ll be part of the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop from Simply Stacie! One of the items up for grabs will be a $65 Gift Certificate! Pretty nice, huh?
As we get closer to the end of the month I’ll be giving you and idea as to all the companies I’ll be giving away gift certificates for! You DON’T want to miss it!
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