"Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.” author Spencer Johnson

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nature Made Bedtime Stories Contest

BedtimeStories_LogoImage Nature Made is having a Bedtime Story Contest.

Here are the details:

Create a child’s bedtime story that will help calm and settle even the most active minds into sleep. Simply click the “Create Your Own Story” button, and begin a step-by-step journey through writing your story.

  • Enter – Craft an original story and enter it into our easy-to-follow template.

  • Vote – Enlist the help of friends to vote on your story.

  • Win – The Grand Prize winner will become a published author! Their book will be professionally illustrated and
    printed in a small run of 10 copies, courtesy of Lulu.com, plus they’ll receive a $7500 cash prize.

I have not been compensated for this post and I did not receive anything for sharing this information.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hip Hip Hurray Giveaway Linky

Hip Hip Hurray Giveaway Linky

To add your giveaway linky you must link to your giveaway not to your homepage! It will be deleted if it doesn’t. Spam will go as well. If you believe I’ve deleted your linky by accident, please let me know.

Marvelous Mom Reviews Giveaways:

  • SmartKnitKIDS Socks 10/1
  • thinkSmart Nintendo DS Game 10/3
  • Smashburger $25 Smashbucks 10/5

    Yes, I’m back to having my Linky on Wednesdays. There were more link ups on Wednesdays and that’s beneficial to you as a product reviewer. Thanks!

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

  • Tuesday, September 28, 2010

    Interested In A Writing Contest?

    Erika from The Girl Next Door Grows Up is hosting a Blogger Writing Contest once a month at her site.

    Here’s what she has to say about the Contest:

    “Once a month, beginning Sunday, October 3rd, I will be putting up a linky for you to link up to.  It will stay open for 48 hours. Link up your best post.  It can be short or long, funny or sweet.  It can even be a picture with a rock star caption.  Whatever, you are most proud of, link it up!!!  Don’t be shy.”

    Not only might you win something, you will be able to have your permanent link on the Winner’s Page if you are her monthly winner.

    Currently she is looking for sponsors, so if you’re interested in Sponsoring her contest, you can get in touch with her at thegirlnextdoorgrowsup@gmail.com. And for the record, you don’t have to be a company or anything fancy. If you just want to do a gift card or give cash she’s just fine with that. Really, the ideas are pretty endless! So, put your thinking caps on.

    As with any contest, there are rules, so you’ll want to check out her site to learn more!

    *By posting this I am entered to win a $50 Visa Gift Card

    Friday, September 24, 2010

    Guess What Phone I Finally Got? Verizon Are You Paying Attention?

    I’ve been researching phones for a few months. Probably since late June, early July. My battery was lasting about 15 minutes if I was lucky.

    IMG_3454 My Motorola KRZR was 2 years old. My contract was coming up in August. What’s a girl to do but start learning about the options?

    I’m an up-and-coming blogger (just dream with me here) and before 2 more years I need a good, reliable phone.

    Here’s where I started arguing with myself. I need a phone that will last as long as my plan – two years. Today I don’t need all the internet features, but could really use the Twitter and Facebook options.

    My only choices were a multimedia phone or a Smartphone. If I went with the multimedia phone, I would be able to start at a low data plan and if I needed to, and work up from there. With a Smartphone, my only option was to start at a $30/mo data plan.

    That is a lot of stress for a single, part-time working mom. So, I do the only thing I know to do. I contact Verizon and ask them if they’ll sponsor my data plan and I’d put their banner on my site, go to events, tweet about them, etc.

    Yah, I have yet to hear from them. I’m guessing I’m small potatoes. I tried.

    In August Verizon Wireless started sending me reminders that my plan was up for renewal. Time to get a new one!! Go in today for some great choices.

    Oh yes, I went in. I held them, ogled them, dreamed about them. Yet I kept walking away. I needed to be responsible.

    Then a couple weeks after my plan was open, the screen on my KRZR went KRZY! I set it on my seat in the van on the way to church one morning. Picked it up to look at it and my screen was pure white. I couldn’t see a thing.

    For the last couple weeks, holding out hope that Verizon would contact little ol’ me, I’ve been dealing with a phone that I could occasionally see.

    Finally Tuesday I had enough. A battery that would only last minutes, a blank screen, not being able to read txt messages, etc. I knew it was time to make a choice.

    I needed to make an investment in myself and my blogging. I plan on going to events and using my phone. I have high expectations for this site, both of my sites really, and getting a Smartphone seemed to be the way to go. So, here’s what I ended up coming home with:


    I got myself the Motorola Droid 2. I’ll be discussing my usage in a few upcoming posts. It has been a huge learning curve!

    Wish me luck!

    Ambush Style Party Finale

    Ambush A couple weeks ago I found out about New Reflections’ Ambush Party Finale. I learned about it while I was searching through Spafinder.com to learn about SpaWeek and see if any local spas were participating.

    New Reflections, an Aveda spa/salon, is participating but was also having this Ambush Party! I tried to see if a friend could go, but by the time I called in, they were already full! WOW that was fast!

    So I went alone. Not something I’m comfortable with, but it sounded fun. I needed a night to do something for me. I needed some pampering.

    IMG_3603 This was our “before” shot.

    As soon as I walked in I was handed a swag bag. Now that’s a way to start off a party! The place was packed! I was offered wine (which I declined) and they had some nummy appetizers.

    They were starting the Party so I went to stand against a wall. There were at least 150 people there! I tweeted that I hoped I would get an Ambush Makeover and no sooner had I hit “update” when Ashley asked me if I would want a makeover!

    I was so excited! A bit astonished, but realized that I was in pretty sad shape! A few minutes later another gal came up to me and I thought she was going to discuss the Ambush.

    Uh, no. She wanted to know if I wanted an Ambush Makeover. Ok, did I look that bad? LOL Thankfully the nice ladies next to me said they probably had an idea of a look and chose me because of it. Thanks ladies, I choose to believe that! =)

    Being interviewed. The other gals having their hair done.

    So, 5 of us ladies headed back for the next hour and a half having our hair done, make-up applied, and wearing some amazing clothing from Lillians.

    Now, what you need to know about me is:

    1. I don’t wear make-up
    2. My hair, at least in my hands, doesn’t “do” anything
    3. I live in jeans and t-shirts

    Ashley attempting to curl my hair. Erin applying make-up

    This was completely different for me. I was so nervous and hoped that Ashley wasn’t disappointed having chosen me. Poor Ashley. She really tried to curl my hair, but getting my hair to hold a curl is pretty much impossible! I’m sorry Ashley.


    Ashley, Me, Erin

    After we were made over, we were brought to the runway to strut our stuff. I was so nervous being up there. I didn’t realize how nerve wracking it would be to walk in front of a room full of people. People who would be looking at you and judging your makeover.

    Taking our “after” walk down the runway.

    Ashley and Erin did an amazing job!! They were encouraging and made us all feel beautiful. The encouragement from the ladies at New Reflections and Lillians was overwhelming.

    IMG_3616 A few of the New Reflection gals incl. Ashley on the end.

    The one bummer of it all was my stupid shoes. I had no clue I would be chosen and was kind of frumpy. I had on some canvas olive colored flat tennies. Imagine this outfit with knee high boots!

    My outfit was one I’d love to own. I had on a sweater dress, a fun scarf, and leggings that were to DIE for! They were so sleek I kept rubbing my legs. I plan on stopping by the original Lillians in Buffalo, MN Oct 7th after work to check out their scarves! I love scarves. I plan on saving $ to get the rest of the outfit I love it so much!

    IMG_3626 While we were in back being pampered like nobody’s business, the other ladies were:

    ◘Shopping the Aveda products and browsing the Lillian clothing. Let me just say I my outfit. It’s something I would’ve never known how to choose and I’m glad I got to wear it! Wish I could’ve kept it.

    ◘Having mini messages; back and hands

    ◘Hair styles

    ◘And some fun socializing. There were a lot of fun, loud ladies. I wanted to sit with those ladies. They just sounded like they were having a blast.

    I’d like to thank the awesome team from New Reflections and Lillians for the opportunity to have a makeover! I had a great time. I hope to see you in the Spring. I called my friend on the way home and she already wants to go next year!

    If you'd like, you can keep up with New Reflections on Facebook as well!

    Thursday, September 23, 2010

    Hip Hip Hurray Giveaway Linky

    Hip Hip Hurray Giveaway Linky

    To add your giveaway linky you must link to your giveaway not to your homepage! It will be deleted if it doesn’t. Spam will go as well. If you believe I’ve deleted your linky by accident, please let me know.

    Here’s a list of my giveaways:

  • Corel Paint It! Software 9/25
  • Tribute Books Kids eBook 9/27
  • Stride Everyday Panties 9/29
  • SmartKnitKIDS Socks 10/1
  • thinkSmart Nintendo DS Game 10/3
  • Smashburger $25 Smashbucks 10/5
  • Ok, so last week didn’t go over so well. If posting on Thursdays isn’t a hit, I will go back to Wednesday nights. =) We shall see how it goes.

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Wednesday, September 22, 2010

    Digital Scrapbook Artist 2

    digital Scrapbook logo So, what is a super busy, single mom, wanna be scrapper to do when there’s just not time to scrap? I turned to Digital Scapbook Artist 2.

    I have to admit, I’m software challenged. Learning how to use a program is not something I find easy to do. Thankfully Digital Scrapbook Artist 2 has a wonderful tutorial right on the start page!

    digital scrapbook design

    You can take the digital layouts created already and insert your photo (above) or you can create your own design (below).

    digital scrapbook 2 There are free downloads to add to your creations. You can also purchase Digital Kits. They have what is called the Daisy Trail Shop.

    So what might you get in Digital Kits that start at $4.99? Check it out:

  • embellishments
  • background papers
  • intelligent photo frames
  • material papers
  • Complete themed alphabet, including upper and lower case letters and standard punctuation marks.
  • customisable layouts
  • brushes

    Daisy Trail also has a great Community where you can view pages people have created. You will be blown away by some of the creations! Are you competitive? hahaha You can enter the Challenges they have in the Community!

    If you’re lucky, you might even be chosen as their Feature Scrapbook! Your page could be featured on the homepage! How awesome is that? That’s a fantastic recognition!

    Now, there is the option of downloading the Digital Scrapbooking Software – For FREE!

  • You can can keep up with Daisy Trail on:



    To learn more about Digital Scrapbook Artist 2 you can find them at the Serif website. As of 9/22/10 you are able to purchase the software at 25% off at $37.49! You can purchase a hard copy or download it on the spot! And right now there’s a BONUS: you’ll receive a $15 voucher from DaisyTrail to spend in the Shop! Talk about convenience.

    Join Pitch It To Me on MBC!I’d like to thank Daisy Trail for a copy of the software to try out. I was able to learn about this opportunity through Pitch It To Me.

    Monday, September 20, 2010

    Needed: Sponsorship For Huge Holiday Gift Giveaway Blog Hop!

    Simply Stacie, Little Yayas, My Wee ViewReview Retreat and Stockpiling Moms are hostessing a huge Holiday blog hop!

    Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop
    There are well over 200 participants and it’s only September!
    I have signed up to participate and am looking for sponsors. What kind of sponsorship might you ask? Well, I’d be happy to tell you.
    They are asking for Gift Certificates and/or Cash to be the prizes! How about that? Pretty simple.

    As you can see the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop is December 1st-5th. They are anticipating this being a high traffic event and that means during one of the busiest shopping times of the year, you will be in the forefront of a lot of people’s minds!

    So, if you’re interested in participating on my site, contact me at mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com or http://twitter.com/bigguysmama

    Can’t wait to hear from you!

    I am also hosting my own Christmas Features and have a number of awesome companies already signed up to participate. If you’d like to join you can also contact me at the above links!

    Smashburger Review & Giveaway

    logoLP and I were driving home one day and she told me about this place called Smashburger, which we were just passing & said it was an amazing place for burgers.

    I’d never even heard of it before. I kept seeing them on Twitter and decided to take a leap of faith and see if they wanted to work with me.

    Success, they did!

    IMG_3544So, LP, myself, her husband, daughter and niece all headed to Smashburger for dinner on a Wednesday night.

    Becca from Lola Red PR met us right as we walked in and gave us the rundown of the menu. Depending on what state you live in you will find a menu item that fits with your location. Here in MN they have the twin cities Smashburger. See if yours has been localized!

    Smashburger opened in Colorado and their signature burger is the colorado Smashburger: Grilled, fresh mild chilies, melted cheddar cheese, pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato and mayo on a chipotle bun. Doesn’t that sound yummy?

    So after you choose your burger, it’s time to try out their Smashsides. I had the Haystack Onions. Oh man were they good! I also tried their french fries, which were awesome as well. I didn’t realize LP’s husband had gotten Smash Fries or I would’ve tried them, too! One of the delish items on the Smashsides menu was the fried pickles! Hello salty, fried heaven!

    If you’re looking at eating healthy, there are chicken menu items and heaping salad options. We saw a guy sitting at one of the booths get a salad and it looked massive!

    There’s a kids menu that has a good selection and is reasonably priced for this establishment. The kids have the options of grilled cheese, chicken strips, kids Smashburger, or a kids Smashdog.

    When you get to the beverage selection, you might be surprised at what Smashburger has to offer. First of all, there’s the Haagen-Dazs shakes and malts. I tried the chocolate and it was every bit as good as you’d expect.

    IMG_3545 Of course, there’s always the pop option. They also have IBC Root Beer and Iced Tazo Tea. Then to top off the beverage menu, at least in some locations, is the bottled beer and glasses of wine!

    I do have a warning for you. Make that two warnings. First, grab A LOT of napkins because eating these fresh burgers is messy business. They should come with bibs for their customers.

    Secondly, go hungry and realize your eyes are bigger than your stomach! It’s worth going back a few times to try everything than trying the food everyone else is eating (which is what I did). I liked everything so much my belly was aching when I got home! It was good eatin’!

    Here’s a bit of 411 about Smashburger from their site:

    Classic “We start with 100% Angus Beef, smashed, seared and seasoned on the grill, placed on a butter-toasted artisan bun and topped with the highest-quality cheeses, freshest produce and condiments. A place where you can get a 1/3 or 1/2 pound burger with one of our great recipes or you can create your own. A place that is close to home and affordable. Where the energy is comfortable and relaxed. Where the food is served to you quickly and on a plate - not in a bag. -- smashburger is the better way.”

    You can find Smashburger:

    Twitter (keep up to date on their new openings)

    Facebook (share you photos of your Smashburger experience)


    Now’s your chance to try out Smashburger with their Smashbucks $25!

    Required: Head to Smashburger and tell me which menu item sounds the yummiest!

    Giveaway open to US Residents 18 yrs or older. Please leave your email in the required entry or have it available in your profile. No email/contact = No entry. Giveaway ends 10/5 midnight PDT. Winner has 48 hours to respond.

    Extra Entries:

    Follow Marvelous Mom Reviews (2 entries, comment 2x)

    Subscribe to MMR (3 entries, comment 3x)

    Follow my Networked Blogs (1 entry)

    Add MMR to your blogroll (2 entries, comment 2x)

    Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)

    Follow Smashburger on Twitter (1 entry)

    Tweet this giveaway (1 entry daily) “RT Win Smashbucks to Smashburger for some fantastic burger eating! @Smashburger @bigguysmama #giveaway http://bit.ly/cvlcDw

    Follow Smashburger on Facebook (2 entries, comment 2x)

    Enter any of my other current giveaways (1 entry each)

    Comment on any NON-giveaway post ~ Yes, I’m trying to add those. (1 entry each)

    I’d like to thank Becca at Lola Red PR and Smashburger for my scrumptious introduction to their restaurant and for providing the Smashbucks! The opinions are completely my own.

    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    SpaFinder.com Deal Days

    SpaFinder - Find Spas, Spa Gifts and Spa DealsSpaFinder.com Deal Days is coming up and there are a few hundred spas participating in treatment discounts that will be flat rates or 50% off.

    Mark your calendars for Sept. 20-26, when hundreds of spas and fitness centers across the country will be slashing prices for treatments and classes by half, or offering flat-rate $50 deals.

    Highlights across the nation include:

    A full body massage for $82.50 (versus reg. price $165) – Bliss (locations in: NY, GA, IL, TX, NJ, CA, AZ, FL)

    Four 1 hour fitness classes for $48 (versus reg. price $98) – Bar Method (locations in: CA, NJ, OR, WA, NY)

    Clarins Signature Facial for $50 (versus reg. price $75) - Clarins Skin Spa (NY, MA, FL, CA, IL, VA)

    Five 55-minute Pure Barre Technique (PBT) classes for $53 (versus reg. price $105) – Pure Barre (Denver, CO)

    Aromatherapy Massage for $72.50 (versus reg. price $145) – The Spa at the Mirage (Las Vegas, NV)

    Prenatal Yoga Class for $100 (versus reg. price $200) - I.AM.YOU. Studio (New York, NY)

    I know that in Minnesota the only place that is participating is:

    New Reflections Salon & Spa

    3530 Vicksburg Lane, Plymouth, MN 55447

    I haven’t been to this location, but have been to it’s sister site in Maple Grove and it was delightful! I hope some of you are able to grab on to some of these deals and enjoy the relaxation!

    Saturday, September 18, 2010

    EBeanstalk.com Website

    logo Have you heard of EBeanstalk.com? They have a great selection of toys for children in all age ranges!

    Do you know anyone looking for baby toys? I have a coworker who had her first baby just a few months ago and I know she’d love the Chime Garden. How adorable is that?

    Chime GardenCheck out the toys for one year olds. They separate out into categories for easier shopping such as “Top Sellers For Girls”, “Top Sellers For Boys”, and general “Top Sellers”. What a great help for anyone looking in that age range.

    At the bottom of each age range, such as toys for two year olds, you will find a toy buying guide! How handy is that? Especially for people who might not know exactly what to get or what is safe for a certain age range!

    On their homepage there are 2 fantastic helps for families and friends. First there is the Birthday Reminder. All you have to do is put in the child’s name and birthdate and you’ll be sent an email reminder!

    Secondly there’s a page called Grandparents Central. They give milestones on how their grandchild is probably developing, expert advice, and to top it off, there’s a Grandparents Hotline!

    slide-grandparents EBeanstalk.com has 3 simple rules:

    RULE NUMBER 1: Make the kids happy.

    RULE NUMBER 2: Make the parents, grandparents, friends and relatives happy.

    RULE NUMBER 3: Have fun at what we do.

    Pretty good set of rules for an online toy retailer!

    My boys are in the older category and I think if I gave them the option to choose whatever toy they wanted from EBeanstalk.com this is what they’d choose:


    What they’d probably end up with, and what’s more in my budget, is something they’ve been wanting all summer:

    remote lamborghiniA remote control car. That one is a Lamborghini. The boys have been playing with the neighbor kids and have been asking for their own! We shall see.

    Have fun checking out their site. I’ll have a review of one of EBeanstalk.com’s toys by next month!

    Costume Supercenter Review

    logo Fall is in the air. Along with Fall comes Halloween. It gets more challenging as my boys get older to find a costume they find “worthy” of wearing in front of their friends, at least that’s how it is with my 11 yr old.

    Well, this summer my son watched Star Wars more times than I can count. The entire series!

    When I started thinking about what costume he might want to wear this year, I knew a Star Wars costume would be the place to start.


    HalloweenHomeSub_06 I had no clue how many kids Halloween costumes were available in the Star Wars line! And there are differing price points to choose from which makes Costume Supercenter affordable.

    I let Buddy go through the costumes and choose the design he liked the most. It was so hard as a mom not to choose the coolest looking one! LOL

    IMG_3581 He ended up choosing the Clone Trooper Leader Rex costume! As soon as it was delivered he was wearing it! Buddy is pretty excited about going out this year!

    One of the features I appreciate about Costume Supercenter is their Free Exchanges on costumes. Who out there doesn’t worry about getting the wrong size or just realize once the product is received it’s not exactly what you wanted? Typically ordering online isn’t helpful in this area. Costume Supercenter makes exchanging easy and it’s an “Exclusive Industry First”.

    For a limited time you can receive 20% off your order over $30. You can use coupon code Take30 when checking out.

    Some categories at Costume Supercenter you might want to look into for unique costume experiences:

    HalloweenHome_08 Group Costumes

    Duo Costumes

    Plus Size

    What’s New For 2010

    Do you have a child that is 4 years old or under? Well if you do, from now until November 10, 2010 @ 12:00 pm (PST) you can enter your little one wearing one of their “specific” costumes in the Cutest Baby Costume Contest! See site for details!

    HalloweenHome_09And lastly, Costume Supercenter ships orders the same day you place your order as long as it’s done before 3pm. Check their site for additional details.

    You can find Costume Supercenter:



    I’d like to thank the Costume Supercenter for sending a costume for my son to review. He is very happy with it! The opinions expressed are our own.

    I Won From Sugar Pop Ribbons

    I don’t know if you have ever visited Sugar Pop Ribbons, but she has an amazing site! I entered her P.S. from Aéropostale gift certificate giveaway…

    And WON!!

    I am so excited. I’ve stuck it away to give to my daughter for Christmas.

    You have got to go check out the site and see all of her giveaways! I mean, it’s crazy there are so many of them!

    I also post my giveaway links on her site every Sunday with her Giveaway Linky! She and Minnesota Mama Must Haves do it in conjunction!

    Thanks so much to SPR for the win! Head on over and check out her site!

    Friday, September 17, 2010

    thinkSmart Nintendo DS Game Review & Giveaway

    I had been hoping to get my boys some actual learning games for their new Nintendo DSs’ and thankfully thinkSmart came along just in time!

    Think Smart · Kids thinkSMART 8+UP for Nintendo DS (8+ UP): A fun and fast paced collection of stimulating and brain twisting puzzlers that challenge players to improve their brain power.

    o Kids can select a boy or girl coach that will guide them through the different levels providing personalized feedback on their progress.

    o Single player and Multiplayer Modes including are available to give kids the chance to match with friends and family members to figure out who has the highest “think quotient”!

    o Three levels of difficulty and 6 categories of games including language skills, logical thinking, math, memory, reasoning and pattern recognition.

    think smart kids · thinkSMART for Nintendo DS: Think outside the box and improve your mental fitness! This original brain training program challenges older players thinking skills in an imaginative and creative ways.

    o Three levels of difficulty and 6 different training categories including language, memory, mathematics, spatial reasoning, grasp and logic.

    o Single card or Multiplayer Modes of play to determine which one of your friends has the highest Think Quotient.

    My boys dove right in to their thinkSmart games. I explained to them that these were “learning” games to see what kind of reaction I’d get, but it didn’t seem to phase them.

    think DS Both boys messed up right away by not following the instructions. To begin with you have to write in your name. Well, what they missed in the directions was that all the letters were supposed to be Capitalized. It was a great teaching moment, to make sure they read all the directions before they started a task.

    A couple days after the boys had the games, the neighbor girl called asking if Doodle could bring over the thinkSmart DS game. How awesome is that?

    I finally decided I should try it out to give it my own opinion for this review. It was pretty easy to navigate, although I did need help from my boys.

    think ds 2 I went through the different activities and thought they were good learning tools. The only issue I had was when you had to fill in a word to a “saying”. A couple of them weren’t grammatically correct and didn’t make sense. This is something I can easily help my boys with if they don’t understand it.

    Other than that, I found the activities to be challenging and good learning tools for my boys. If they’re going to be playing on their DS, I figure it’s nice to have a tool they can learn with as well!

    The thinkSmart games are also available for the Wii!

    Now it’s your turn to win a game for your family.

    Required: Tell me what Nintendo DS game you child likes the most. If you don’t have a DS, tell me which one you think they’d like.

    Giveaway open to US Residents 18 yrs or older. Please leave your email in the required entry or have it available in your profile. No email/contact = No entry. Giveaway ends 10/3 midnight PDT. Winner has 48 hours to respond.

    Extra Entries:

    Follow Marvelous Mom Reviews (2 entries, comment 2x)

    Subscribe to MMR (3 entries, comment 3x)

    Follow my Networked Blogs (1 entry)

    Add MMR to your blogroll (2 entries, comment 2x)

    Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)

    Tweet this giveaway (1 entry daily) “Win a Nintendo DS thinkSmart game. Get your child thinking while they’re playing #giveaway @bigguysmama http://bit.ly/9mSqDL

    Enter any of my other current giveaways (1 entry each)

    Comment on any NON-giveaway post ~ Yes, I’m trying to add those. (1 entry each)

    Join Pitch It To Me on MBC!

    I’d like to thank the Bender Hammerling Group and Pitch It To Me for the opportunity to review both games. The opinion expressed is my own.

    Mom Link Round Up

    mom link round up banner

    If you'd like to participate in the Mom Link Round Up, join Mom Bloggers Club. Click the Groups tab and join the Mom Link Round Up Group! Please read all of the rules before posting. Thanks and please visit the links below!

    mom link round up6

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly: Back to School with Play-Doh Sesame Street Shape & Spin Elmo Playset Giveaway

    Aysha @ Wonderful Gifts For Wonderful People: Children’s Books: Funny Bone Readers Parent Pack 1 & 2

    Scarlett @ Moms Wear Your Tees: "Scabs" Fun Fabric Sticker Patches Giveaway with 15 Prize Packs

    Scarlett @ Moms Wear Your Tees: The Clean Bedroom Organic Sheet Set Review and Giveaway (Ends FRIDAY 9/17)

    Mimi @ Marvelous Mom Reviews: Striking Skin Care Set (low entries)

    Mimi @ Marvelous Mom Review: Corel Paint It! Software

    Mimi @ Woven by Words: D•I•V•A•S of the Divine Giveaway

    mom link round up4

    Brigitte @ Fashion Girlz: High Wasted Pants Trend

    Brigitte @ Fashion Girlz: How To Shop and Not Feel Guilty

    Jillian @ Define You Photography: Anniversary Photo Attempts

    Jillian @ Define You Photography: Toilet Paper Queen

    Scarlett @ Moms Wear Your Tees: What My Daughter is Learning in Kindergarten

    moms link round up3Kim @ Mother to Son: Get Hot & Heavy With Your Child’s Teacher

     mom link round up3jpg Jillian @ Define You Photography: A Site Not Expected in Arizona

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly: Sometimes You Have to Disconnect to Re-Connect

    Laura Grace Weldon: If Jane Goodall Were An Alien

    Laura Grace Weldon: How to Make Spiders Your Teachers, Trees Your Guides

    mom link round up5Aysha @ Wonderful Gifts For Wonderful PeopleGo From House to Home Bedding

    Aysha @ Wondeful Gifts For Wonderful People: Zibits – Mini RC Robot-A Review of a cute toy for all kids

    mom link round up1 Laura Grace Weldon: Six Ways Introduce Fine Arts Using The Happy Idiot Method