"Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.” author Spencer Johnson

Friday, May 28, 2010

Feel Good Friday ~ 5 Good Things

I'd like to thank Laura at The Girl Next Door Grows Up for encouraging us to find the good in life each Feel Good Friday. There are 5 different topics to choose from to share about your happiness this week. Go check it out!

For me I'm doing: "Just make a list. List 5 things that made you really happy this week. No matter how bad or boring you think your week was, I bet you can find 5 things."

Here are my 5 things:

1. My oldest daughter came home for a couple of days. The only downer to this is I've had to work. So, I haven't really gotten to spend any time with her. Tonight she's at a bonfire. She goes back to the summer dorm tomorrow. I'm happy to have her presence here in our home!

2. I am thoroughly enjoying the sun. The weather is beautiful here and I believe that when we go to heaven this is what it will feel like! The grass is growing, although I'm terrible at helping it at all, my perennials are blooming, and the trees are green, green, green!

3. I'm going on a field trip today with my youngest son. We're going to the Children's Museum. I'm bummed because my 5th grader's field trip is today, too and I can't go with him. He's going to the Omni Theater and that would've been awesome! I believe they're taking a tour of the Capital and I haven't gotten to do that either!!

4. Baseball is going really well for my son. They haven't won, but the mood of the team is so much more positive than it was last year. Last year he didn't get to play except a couple innings in the outfield, if he was lucky. The coachs' kids played all the major positions. This is 9-10 yr olds! This year, they rotate positions (at least for now), and the batting line up is always the same. It's completely fair! I am so thankful to the guys who are coaching and for understanding that this is the age where they learn. Oh, and the boys have played 2 teams where they have to TRYOUT to be on the team! Honestly? At this age. Is this about the kids or the coaches? Yah, you can say this is a soapbox topic for me. LOL

5. I have the weekend off!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

This Little Prayer of Mine Video Contest

Video Contest Image

National Day of Prayer is May 6, 2010 and what better way to celebrate than to talk with your children about prayer?

Endorsed by the National Day of Prayer, This Little Prayer of Mine by Anthony DeStefano tackles the subject of prayer from the perspective of a child and shows them that God cares about the concerns of their hearts. Teaching your kids about prayer is important, and it can be enlightening to get a child’s perspective on something that we as adults sometimes take for granted.

Here’s your mission (should you choose to accept it):

Video your child(ren) talking about prayer, praying, explaining what prayer is, etc. It can be creative, informational, enlightening, funny, or all of the above but it needs to be no more than one minute and thirty seconds long.

1.  Post your video on YouTube, Tangle or Vimeo.

2.  Go to our website and enter your information and include the link of your video.

3.  The winning video will win a full library of WaterBrook Multnomah children’s books, including the new release This Little Prayer of Mine by Anthony DeStefano. That’s over 30 books!

See below for contest rules and more information.


Click here to submit your entry. Fill out the form and be sure to enter the link to your video in the “notes” field and in the “contest code” field enter the code “PRAYER”.

With engaging rhymes and memorable illustrations, This Little Prayer of Mine assures children that, even when they are alone, God is watching, listening, caring, and eager to respond.

Enter the Contest

View the Rules

The information above is from WaterBrook/Multnomah and reprinted with permission. This is not sponsored nor am I entering. I just wanted to pass the good info along.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Our Child Safe

toddler_header This is going to be an interesting summer for me. This will be the first year I don’t have my girls home helping me with my boys. My oldest is staying in the cities to work and my 2nd oldest is going to India on a mission trip.

That means my 2 boys, 10 and 6 (both have bdays next month) will have to hang out with babysitters, mostly teen girls. Fun for them!

With all of that comes the concern for safety. My boys being watched by teen girls always has its drawbacks! Hopefully they will listen and remember my words of safety. But as we all know, things happen.

This is where I find a level of comfort with Our Child Safe. They have a thorough online “Amber Alert Registry & Medical Alert” site. I added both boys. Here’s what I find wonderful about having all the information in one place:

  • Their physical descriptions
  • Ability to add additional information such as scars or birthmarks
  • Can load 3 photos: front, profile and full
  • Schools they attend
  • Time they are usually home
  • “Comforting & key words your child will recognize”

The last one really grabbed me. If something were to happen to our child whether they were in an accident or something worse, they’d have these comforting words being said to them, hopefully, by the person who found them. It would give the child such a level of security. Mine has key words that would speak to my child’s heart and mind.

“Our Child Safe™ and the Amber Alert Registry is recognized as the nation’s leading source for protecting our children before a child goes missing, runs away or has an accident. Since an alarming number of one million kids+ go missing in the US each year, an astounding ten million have unexpected emergency room visits. This cutting edge, web tool is powered by parents and allows them to update their child’s profile at any time with no cost. It contains their child’s latest personal information (height, weight, photo, medical issues and more) which parents can give to law enforcement officials immediately when a situation arises. This allows them to print a flyer of the missing child or get the information to the media within minutes of notification-- thereby saving critical seconds to initiate an appropriate response.”

At the top of the page you will see a ticker keeping track of how many kids have been reported missing and how many have been taken to the ER.

our child safe 2 Can I ask you a question? Have you ever gone to a local fair and been given a pack to be able to write this stuff down? Do you know where it is? I’ve gotten those same safety kits and haven’t a CLUE as to where they are.

With Our Child Safe all I do is go to the website, log-in, and there’s everything I need to share with authorities.

  • General Profile
  • Medical Info ~ Co-founder and President, Zephora Haddon says, “By expanding the medical database section of our site and enhancing its usefulness, parents have the best possible protection for their children.”
  • Law Info ~ She goes on to say, “Our site is now fully equipped for law enforcement officials to have the most vital information they need in any emergency.” Haddon is also a parent and knows first-hand the importance of this life-saving database.

our child safe 3 You can find Our Child Safe at:



I’d like to thank Our Child Safe for the opportunity to list my boys for the next year. This review is my opinion and may not reflect the experience of everyone. I’d alsothe product review place button like to thank The Product Review Place Blogger Select Group for connecting me with OCS.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ~ Reading Brothers

This is the way to start a morning!

Add your Wordless Wednesday link below. It's fast and easy!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Vistaprint Photobook Giveaway

Vistaprint. Make an impression.

These days it seems we all keep our photos online. However, there’s nothing like having hard copies of your photos to share with your friends & family! Vistaprint is offering you an opportunity to win a personalized, 12 X 12 Photo Book. The winner can choose from hard cover, leather cover or linen cover. It includes 26 pages and a variety of layout and design options and free 14-day shipping. The value of the giveaway is over $50.

Custom-Printed Photo BooksVistaprint also offers such great products as Birthday Invitations, Custom T-shirts, and Personalized Mugs

I used to be a scrapper, but now everything sits waiting for me to come back to it. There's just not enough time in the day to be scrappy. On the other hand creating a book through Vistaprint seems like the easier way to go and won't take nearly as long or be as painful creatively. I don’t have to put it all together myself. All I need to do is choose the photos and they make a beautiful book.

My 2nd daughter graduates next year from high school and I can already see ways to use Vistaprint. Creating a book for people to page through at her grad party & possibly sign it and graduation announcements are just the beginning. If you have an imagination, you can probably find just about anything to personalize at Vistaprint!

With an album for my daughter, I can go from baby to graduation (we haven’t gotten her senior photos done yet, although I received a letter home about it today!

My boys' birthdays are coming up next month and Vistaprint has spectacular invitations!

Who’s ready to get their photos organized?

Required: Visit Vistaprint and tell me what other product that grabbed your attention.

Giveaway open to US Residents 18 yrs and older. Please leave your email address in the FIRST required entry or have it available in your profile. No email/contact = No entry. Giveaway ends 6/5, 10pm CDT. Winner has 48 hours to respond to winning email.

Extra Entries:

Follow Marvelous Mom Reviews (1 entry)

Add MMR to your Blog Roll (2 entries, comment 2x)

Subscribe to MMR (3 entries, comment 3x)

Follow Vistaprint on Twitter (1 entry)

Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)

Tweet this giveaway (1 entry daily) “Win a 12x12 Photo Album from @vistaprint http://bit.ly/cAdoP4 #giveaway”

“Like” Vistaprint on Facebook & leave a comment “Entering to win the 12x12 photo album from Marvelous Mom Reviews” (2 entries, comment 2x)

I’d like to thank Team Mom and Vistaprint for the opportunity to host this giveaway. I was NOT given any product to review and was NOT paid for this giveaway. I haven’t had any experience with Vistaprint other than visiting their site so your experience will be uniquely yours!

XProTeX Batting Gloves

Logo I contacted XProTeX to see if they’d allow my son to review their batting gloves for them. My son is happy to say they agreed and set us a pair of XProTeX Hammr Gloves.

At first glance, you know these batting gloves are different. Buddy was on his first traveling team last year and in the beginning batting was a terrible experience for him. At the time I didn’t understand why his hands were hurting. I’d never played baseball.

Then I started noticing a few of the other boys wearing gloves. I ran to a local sport store and grabbed him an inexpensive pair of gloves not even understanding there can be technology in batting gloves.

Thank goodness there are companies like XProTex out there who are advancing technology in the field of sports.

I asked Buddy after his first game on Tuesday how he felt the gloves worked and he was pretty happy with them! He said it took away the vibration from the bat! How awesome is that for a kid just developing his love for playing baseball? Here’s my son’s gloves and I challenge you to tell me this isn’t amazing looking. I even put them on to see if they would be comfortable and I have to admit, they are.


The Hammr offers both wrist and hand protection for batters. Designed to help protect the small bones in the hand and in the wrist that are most vulnerable to injury from a pitched ball.


  • Palm / Bat interface offers optimal grip demanded by professional players.
  • Pittards ARMORTAN goatskin leather palm.
  • Lycra finger slots to increase flexibilty & comfort.
  • A.I.C .wrist protection insert effectively doubles wrist bone protection.
  • A.I.C. protection on the outside of the hand & wrist provide additional padding for the vulnerable small bones not protected by a traditional glove.

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Here’s a couple photos from my son’s first baseball game. This year has already been better than last year!



Youth Baseball Safety Tips from XProTeX

·    As parents, work with your child’s coaches and qualified instructors to understand what kind of practice drills and schedule are required of each athlete.

·    Emphasize that enjoying the game and satisfaction from performance are the most important for developing athletes; winning is great, but it’s not the end of the world if you lose/fail if you try your best.

·    Warm up properly – start with a light jog to break a sweat then make sure to stretch muscles.

·    If you are sore and feel pain, rest for a day or until the pain is gone. Use heat or ice therapy as needed for swelling or sore muscles. Listen to your body. Young players should NOT play through injuries. It’s important to work on proper mechanics at an early age. Use proper batting and fielding technique, even during practice, to help prevent injury.

·    Give your child all of the tools they need to succeed, including protective sporting gear, instruction from qualified professionals and emotional support.

·    Young children ages 5 to 14 are especially vulnerable to sports injuries, accounting for more than 80 percent of all sports-related emergency room visits according to the Centers for Disease Control. Because many sports injuries can be prevented by wearing the proper protective gear, make sure you utilize it properly. Make sure to wear a helmet to protect your head, in mitt protective gloves inside fielders’ gloves and a batting glove that protects your hands.

·   The hands are one of the most complex parts of our body, and also the most vulnerable to injury, with many small bones, blood vessels, nerve endings and tendons just under the surface of the skin. There is not much muscle or fat in this area to help cushion against impacts. Protective gear for hands will give youth confidence they need in the batters’ box.

·    Communicate with your child about the sports they are playing. Discuss safety, protecting their body and why it’s important as they continue playing the game.

You can find them at:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/XProTeX?ref=ts

Twitter: http://twitter.com/xprotex

Flikr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/xprotex

Digg: http://digg.com/users/XProTeX

Thanks to Jen for sending Buddy a review pair of XProTex Hammr batting gloves. The opinions are expressly ours and other experiences may differ.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Village Candle Review & GIVEAWAY 2 Winners!

I recently received the Lemon Pound Cake Candle from Village Candle to review. Let me start off by saying, if you knew what I know about the smell of this candle, you'd wish your screen was scratch`n`sniff.

Here's what Village Candle's philosophy is:

As you know, being a mom is a full-time job. They’re the caretaker, the meal maker and advice giver. They make bumps and scratches all better with one kiss, and they magically make those monsters disappear from under any bed and closet. Moms truly are modern day super heroes! Every now and then, deserving super moms of the world need a break to just sit back and enjoy a moment of peace. Having the glow and flicker of a scented candle nearby only adds to the tranquility. With the scent of a Village Candle® pervading the room, this moment can be one of pure relaxation that also heightens and tingles the senses.

Village Candle’s mission is to be the leading manufacturer in the home fragrance industry by offering premium quality products that exceed their customers' expectations. Whether they prefer the fresh scent of Balsam Fir or the mouth-watering aroma of Brownie Delight, Village Candle’s scented candles enhance the ambiance of any room. What makes these candles so amazing is that their fragrances last much longer than that initial whiff. Their fragrances fill the room but do not overpower. Village Candle® truly has found the perfect balance.

My Review

If I could, I'd start off with a challenge for you and it would be this...head to your local bakery and smell a lemon pound cake. Ok, maybe buying it should be your first step. After you smell that lemon cake, you will know how divinely yummy smelling the Village Candle® Lemon Pound Cake is. I kid you not, this smells like the real deal.

The Village Candle® comes with 2 wicks to make the burning last longer since they are smaller and they burn more efficiently. To top it off, the dual wicks help the scented candles be more noticeable. The fragrance from this candle makes my home smell delicious.

Some of the other fragrances I'd love to try out: Gardenia, Pure Linen, and Waterfall. Some fragrances I'd like to see created: Plumeria and Fresh Rain. The following photos are a few of the examples from their site: Essence of Hope (A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this product are donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation), Sweet Buttercream, Water Lily, and Magnolia.

If you'd like to be one of 2 to win a scrumptious 11oz Lemon Pound Cake Candle from Village Candle® here's what you need to do...

REQUIRED: Leave a comment on Village Candle's Facebook for my specific giveaway!!

Giveaway is open to US Residents 18 and older. Please leave an email address or have it available in your profile. No email/contact = No entry. Giveaway ends 6/3, 10pm CDT. Winner needs to respond to winning email within 48 hours of notice or a new winner will be chosen.

Extra Entries:

Add Marvelous Mom Reviews to your Blog Roll (2 entries, comment 2x)

Put my Marvelous Mom Reviews button on your site & let me know where to find it (2 entries, comment 2x)

Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)

Follow Village Candle on Twitter (1 entry)
Tweet this giveaway (1 entry daily) "RT Win a Lemon Pound Cake Candle from @VillageCandle #giveaway http://bit.ly/aMXdwI"

Visit Village Candle and let me know of another candle and/or type of container you'd like to try out!

I'd like to thank Sally, the owner of Village Candle® for sending me the review candle and making my home smell so wonderful. The opinions expressed here may not be the same experience for everyone. Sally will also be providing the candle that is being given away. I'd also like to thank Business2Blogger for connecting me with Village Candle.

Playtex Bra Makeover ~ Win A Free Bra From Playtex

playtex_bra_makeover_logo Do slipping straps, riding up backs, or not enough support have you ready to write a Dear John letter to your old bras? Apply for a Bra Makeover from Playtex! Seven out of 10 women are wearing the wrong size bra, which can result in an ill fit for the rest of their outfit, back and shoulder pain, as well as bruising and digging.

We know that busy moms don't always have time to update their bras or even check to make sure they are wearing the correct size. That's why we wanted to let you know about this contest from Playtex! Playtex recently launched www.PlaytexBraMakeover.com, a site where women can go to apply for a bra makeover or nominate a friend. If chosen, the winner will be flown to New York to receive a Bra Makeover with style expert Alison Deyette. Deyette is a fashion and trend lifestyle expert who has been featured on Bravo's Millionaire Matchmaker and TLC's Ten Years Younger, as well as in print publications including Good Housekeeping, By The Washington Post, and O Magazine. Apply for your chance to win a Playtex Bra Makeover today. The last day to apply is Friday, May 21st, 2010.

The 10 winners selected for a Bra Makeover will also star in their very own webisode wherein a makeover candidate will receive a fitting with Deyette and walk away with the perfect Playtex products. A new webisode will premier on www.PlaytexBraMakeover.com every two weeks.

Real women have real bra problems, Playtex wants you to kiss those bra problems goodbye. Check out www.PlaytexBraMakeover.com for more information.

Personally, I could use a new bra…or more. I’m not easy to shop for (just because let’s keep it at that ok?). Bras tend to be the last thing I usually buy, but one of the things I need the most. LOL On top of that, I love bras that fit and make me feel girly! Gals, you know what I’m talkin’ about!

By posting this information, I am entered into a contest to win a free bra from Playtex. I did not receive any compensation for this post and thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I’d also like to thank Mom Select for sharing this information! Mom Select

Monday, May 17, 2010

#2 Winner of EcoMom Egyptian Skin Cream

Congrats to Abi who happened to be the 2nd commenter in my 2nd drawing. She won the Egyptian Skin Cream from EcoMom. This stuff is fantastic! Congrats Abi.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Entenmann’s Coffee Review


I didn’t grow up drinking coffee. I had my first cup in my early 20s. I wasn’t very fond of it and absolutely had to have cream and sugar included.

Jump ahead more than several years, and I’m still very picky about my coffee. I am thrilled that there are flavors upon flavors of coffee available for our enjoyment. Now Entenmann’s has joined the coffee world.

I can understand why they’d have their own line of coffee. When you think of their scrumptious donuts and danishes, this is the perfect direction to head.

I was sent 3 samples to try: Ultimate Hazelnut Coffee Cake Blend, Ultimate Vanilla Bean Blend, and Ultimate Cafe Blend.

clip_image002[5]The first morning I woke up to the smell of the Hazelnut Coffee Cake Blend. What a wonderful way to come into the kitchen. I grabbed my java and filled it with my creamer and sugar. Even the smell of the coffee had the Hazelnut tint to it. This was really yummy and was still good cold after I left work! hahaha

clip_image002Next I had the in-laws over to visit with the boys. I had the Vanilla Bean Blend waiting for them when they got here. They really liked the coffee and I told them what it was. The two of them have coffee running through their bloodstream and gave this coffee two thumbs up! I had to agree and it had a nice smooth flavor.

clip_image002[7]Next came the Cafe Blend. This is definitely the coffee you want to drink when you want the unflavored coffee variety. If you have a favorite flavored creamer, this blend would be the right choice for you.

Each morning, or afternoon, having the smell of Entenmann’s in the air was pure numminess! They know what they’re doing when it comes to the java brew.

Looking for the perfect Father's Day gift idea? Try NEW Entenmann's Coffee Gift Sets!When I find Entenmann’s in the store, my first purchase will be of their Cinnamon Crumb Cake Blend. Doesn’t that sound delectable?

You can visit Entenmann’s Coffee website and learn more about this great new product. To stay up-to-date you can also join their Facebook site.

I’d like to thank Erica from Freeman PR for sending me my samples of Entenmann’s Coffee. The opinions are completely mine and others may vary.